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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-20  |  80KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky | window
OCR: Technical Specifications Picture tulxc Connectors Stre and weight 15-irr:t (diagonal). square tlat t'htes ADB conTcrors Height: 13.1 in. (33.2 c.n) screxn Width: 11.5 in. (29.3 Pho sphor EIA Type Pi (wvnitc) Input signal I:pth: 14.9 in. (37.9 (m} righ-cOntrast aniglare surtace Vider: analog, RS-3-13 35 (16 kg) Synu ieparatt SYTC: negilive Screen resohution going 'E*11. Environmental requirenents 640 pixels honzontal ly H70 Operating ternperature: pixels at 80lots (KT iruc1) Raster : rates F(100 to 35 Vertical 75 j hertz Operaling humic diLy: Liser controls I[orizona] kilohort' hrximum. noncondensing Power switch, brightness. prrc Operating akinde 10,00 ft. Electrical requirements 3,048 naxinsurn Operating rauge 270 viden display arca volts self-configuring iructues horizontal 10.87 Pore fn ...